We all have them, that group of friends you can always count on to help just when you need it most. You know, those special friends who are right there through thick and thin, lending their support to help the cause. I personally have two great examples of friends helping friends that I wanted to share with you.
Most of you have heard of the "1 Million Pillowcase Challenge" that is being sponsored by American Patchwork and Quilting. They have challenged quilters all over the country to make a difference in the lives of people in need who would greatly appreciate the gift of a beautiful new pillowcase. The Quilters Inn has wonderful "friends" who are rising to this challenge and have, to date, contributed over 243 pillowcases for this wonderful cause! Take a look at two very special TQI friends who have just between the two of them made 46 pillowcases!! This is what I call meeting the challenge in a big way. Thank you friends!!

Ok, I have another story about friends to share with you. These friends are the fuzzy and furry kind and they just happen to live in my house. They are my 4 legged friends and the kind of "help" they give me shouldn't go unrecognized......

Believe it or not that jumble of feet and tails and fuzz and fur would be my 2 dogs Dash and Elliot and Squirrel the cat. My sewing table has quite the sunny window spot and all three have found this to be the best place to take their morning nap. I didn't have the heart to wake the up, they looked so cozy and cute together....needless to say, not much sewing happened this day.